Jouko Niinimäki
Korkeapaine (2017)
A software made for predicting future Korkeasaari zoo visitor counts with date and weather information using machine learning techniques. The weather information is provided by Finnish metheorological institute API and Korkeasaari vistor counts by Helsinki region infoshare.
GitHub linkTaudinpurkauspeli (2015)
An educational software/game for vetenarian students. Started as a course project but continued to live it's own life later. Nowadays developed/managed only one person from the original group.
GitHub linkHuffman compressor (2014)
A simple compressor software made with Java. Uses Huffman encoding.
GitHub linkjQtris (2011)
A tetris clone coded with JavaScript. Made for fun and to test how difficult if would be to code a simple game using only HTML and JavaScript (jQuey).
Try it hereBachelor's thesis
A review on spaced seeds technique used in biological sequence alignment (Finnish only.)
pdfSeminar paper on bioinformatics
A review on read mapping on de Bruijn graphs and about a software called BGREAT using this technique.